Oticon Corda 2 Thin Tubing - 5 Tubes

Oticon Corda 2 Thin Tubing - 5 Tubes

$24.99 each |
$26.99 each
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Suitable For?

  • Vigo, Vigo Pro, Safran, Go Pro, Tego, Tego Pro, Syncro, Spirit 3, Spirit Zest, Spirit Zest Communicate / Spirit Zest Plus / Hit / Hit Pro / Ino / Ino Pro / Acto / Acto Pro / Agil / Agil Pro / Alta / Alta Pro.

How to work out what to order:

  • At the end of the tube that goes into the ear you will see a number. Printed in blue for the left ear, and red for the right ear. You may see number like this: 0-0.9 or 1-0.9 or 2-0.9 or 3-0.9. Ignore the 0.9 part and look at the number that comes before it.

  • This number between 0 and 3 is the size you need to order.

More Information:

  • Corda 2 slim tubes are a replacement for the Corda version 1 tubes supplied mainly by the NHS. If you have been using Corda rather than Corda 2 you will need an adapter. We can supply the adapter but please contact us to arrange this

  • Corda miniFIT thin tubes (which have a different tip design) can also fit in the same housing as Corda 2 tubings and are interchangeable with them – but they must use the newer Oticon miniFIT Domes. If you replace a Corda2 tubing with a Corda miniFit tubing, the acoustic properties are different and the hearing aid may sound a bit different.

  • Please be very careful to use Oticon Corda domes with Oticon Corda 2 thin tubes and Oticon miniFIT domes with Oticon Corda miniFIT thin tubes. The ends of these two types of tubing are different:

About Oticon

Oticon hearing aids and accessories provide high-performance hearing solutions. They manufacture a number of top devices, as well as the essential accessories you need to complement your digital hearing aids.

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