Duracell Size 312 Hearing Aid Batteries Pack of 60

Duracell Hearing Aid Batteries Size 312 Pack of 60

$29.99 $34.99
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Unquestionably one of the most iconic brands in hearing aid battery production, Duracell has brought their experience and performance reputation to this world. The size 312 hearing aid battery is most commonly used in smaller behind the ear devices and very popular for Receiver In The Ear hearing aids.

Size 312 hearing aid batteries including those from Duracell, come in brown packaging with brown colored tabs on the rear of each battery to reduce confusion between battery sizes which can appear very similar to each other. When bought in this multipack option, these Duracell hearing aid batteries represent one of the cheapest prices per battery on the Internet.

And because each battery has a shelf life of at least three years, there’s every reason to go for this excellent value choice.

What Is It?

  • Duracell Zinc Air Size 312 Batteries
  • 10 x 6 cells

What Does It Do?

  • Long running time
  • Enhanced performance

Can Be Used With:

  • Suitable with all hearing aids using size 312 batteries

About Duracell

Duracell hearing aid batteries come from one of the world's most popular battery brands. Duracell hearing aid batteries are a brand of choice with a grand reputation for delivering consistent and reliable battery power.

Shop the full Duracell hearing aid battery range here.